Welcome to DebConf25!
The 26th Debian Conference is in Brest, France, Monday July 14th to Sunday July 20th 2025. DebCamp will be held from Monday July 7th to Sunday July 13th 2025.
Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals for DebConf25 is open, we welcome your submissions.
Registration is open.
March 27, 2025: Viridien Platinum Sponsor of DebConf25
We are pleased to announce that Viridien has committed to sponsor DebConf25 as a Platinum Sponsor.
Viridien is an advanced technology, digital and Earth data company that pushes the boundaries of science for a more prosperous and sustainable future.
Viridien has been using Debian-based systems to power most of its …
March 24, 2025: DebConf 25 registration and CfP are open
Registration and the Call for Proposals for DebConf 25 are now open. The
26th edition of the Debian annual conference will be held from July
14th to July 20th, 2025, in IMT Atlantique, Brest, France.
The conference days will be preceded by DebCamp, which will take place
from July 7th …
Feb. 3, 2025: Proxmox Platinum Sponsor of DebConf25
We are pleased to announce that Proxmox has committed to sponsor DebConf25 as a Platinum Sponsor.
Proxmox develops powerful, yet easy-to-use open-source server software. The product portfolio from Proxmox, including server virtualization, backup, and email security, helps companies of any size, sector, or industry to simplify their IT infrastructures. The …
The awesome organizations who are making DebConf25 possible.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Supporter Sponsors
Venue Partner
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Network Partners
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