Call for Proposals

The DebConf Content team would like to call for proposals for the DebConf25 conference, which will take place in Brest, France, from Monday July 14th to Sunday July 20th 2025. It will be preceded by DebCamp from Monday July 7th to Sunday July 13th 2025.

Submitting an Event

You can now submit an event proposal. Events are not limited to traditional presentations or informal sessions (BoFs): we welcome submissions of tutorials, performances, art installations, debates, or any other format of event that you think would be of interest to the Debian community.

Regular sessions may either be 20 or 45 minutes long (including time for questions), other kinds of sessions (workshops, demos, lightning talks, …) could have different durations. Please choose the most suitable duration for your event and explain any special requests.

In order to submit a talk, you will need to create an account on the DebConf 25 site. We suggest that Debian Salsa account holders (including DDs and DMs) use their Salsa login when creating an account. However, this isn’t required, as you can sign up with an e-mail address and password.


Talks submitted before the early submission deadline are guaranteed to be processed by the acceptance notification date. Talks submitted after the early submission deadline, but before the final submission deadline, will be handled on a best effort basis, and if there is still space on the schedule and they are accepted, are also guaranteed to have video coverage.

We might send acceptance notification in batches as submissions come in, even before the final acceptance notification day. So the earlier your proposal submission is registered, the earlier you might get an acceptance notification.

After the final submission deadline, we will still accept event proposals for ad-hoc sessions (self-organized sessions), but cannot guarantee video coverage.

Topics and Tracks

Though we invite proposals on any Debian or FLOSS related subject, we have some broad topics on which we encourage people to submit proposals, including but not limited to:


We actively encourage proposals from individuals who are traditionally underrepresented in Free Software and technology in general, especially within the Debian community. We kindly ask for your help in reaching out to people who might not be listening to channels that typically circulate our call. Perhaps they are listening but need a bit of encouragement to see themselves as potential presenters! This includes, but is not limited to, people of color, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, gender non conforming and transgender individuals, people with disabilities, indigenous people, individuals of varying socio-economic backgrounds, those with differing levels of formal education, individuals from various global communities, and other marginalized populations. Please help us spread the word!

Talk proposal help

Nevertheless, it is worth to note that we give priority to Debian-related proposals. If your event addresses a broader theme, make sure the link to Debian is evident, or explicitly state how the Debian community would benefit from being exposed to it.

If you want to submit a talk proposal but would like to discuss it first, feel free to write to, or pop by the #debconf-content IRC channel on OFTC, where the DebConf content team will be available to help potential speakers prepare their talk proposals for DebConf.

Please make sure you stick around the channel if you don’t get an immediate response, because it could be coming from the other side of the world.

Code of Conduct

Our event is covered by a Code of Conduct designed to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort. The code applies to all attendees, including speakers and the content of their presentations. Do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or are unsure about certain content you’d like to present.

Video Coverage

Providing video is one of the conference goals, as it makes the content accessible to a wider audience. Unless speakers opt-out, scheduled talks are planned to be streamed live over the Internet to promote remote participation, and recordings will be published later under the DebConf license (MIT/Expat), as well as presentation slides and papers whenever available.

Closing note

DebConf25 is accepting sponsors; if you are interested, or think you know of others who would be willing to help, please get in touch with

In case of any questions, or if you wanted to bounce some ideas off us first, please do not hesitate to reach out to the content team at

We hope to see you in Brest!

The DebConf team